We offer the best infrastructures for building networks.

At Reintel we have an extensive network of optical fibre cables and infrastructure for the deployment and housing of our customers' telecommunications networks. We additionally provide the highest levels of reliability, redundancy and robustness thanks to our nationwide coverage and to the quality, excellence and security inherent to the high voltage environments of both Red Eléctrica and the railway infrastructure. Our network uses the best fibre and we apply the best practices in order to continue growing.

A network of more than 52,000 km throughout Spain
24x7 Support and Customer Service
Real-time monitoring
We control and monitor the status of the whole network from our own Network Operations Centre, fully devoted to this task 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Technical Capacity
Our Network Operations Centre (Centro de Supervisión de Telecomunicaciones) uses state-of-the-art remote monitoring systems, managed by experienced staff with the widest know-how regarding both the networks and the optical fibre footprint used by our customers.
Problem assessment
The Network Operations Centre (Centro de Supervisión de Telecomunicaciones) uses different monitoring and diagnostics tools to deal with, identify, analyse and seek the solution to any network incident.
Agile management
Once the best solution has been identified, we efficiently manage all the actions needed to restore the service. To that end, we use the same resources used for ensuring the electricity supply service and for transporting people and goods throughout Spain.
Development and renovation plan
The optical fibre network is alive due to the yearly growth and expansion of its infrastructure, driven by progress and investment. At Reintel, we increase the number of cable kilometres every year, therefore achieving new key targets for our customers.
Maintaining the network in a fully operational condition requires our commitment to invest continually in the renovation and the improvement of infrastructure, cables and sites.
Our network offer comprises aerial, underground and ducted cables. Cables are supplied by leading manufacturers after strict processes of approval and technical inspection, before being installed in our network.
Optical fibre cables make up the main arteries of telecommunications networks. Our customers lighten up these highways with light.
At Reintel, we use 16, 24, 48, 64, 96 and 128 single mode optical fibre cable of different types: OPGW, dielectric, armoured, shielded or submarine cables. These cables are always designed in accordance with the following standards:
In its most recent version, for use in electricity and railway networks sections.
Used specifically in the "mainland Spain-Balearic Islands interconnection" submarine links.
Comprises the entire civil works infrastructure and high-voltage towers that house the cables and optical fibre junction boxes.
On the railway network, ducting runs parallel to the railway. These may be either buried or exposed, with strategically located access pits, in order to ensure the fibre supply fibre to our customers. Furthermore, we have the capacity to increase and build on demand in order to provide a dedicated cable solution.
Moreover, High-voltage towers channel OPGW cable and permit the segregation of fibres in those towers equipped with junction boxes. The customer can connect to an access pit located at the tower base. Additionally, we manage buried sections in the major cities.
Learn more about our dedicated cable >
Optical Distribution Frames
Optical Distribution Frames
These are the optical fibre connection and delivery points within the sites. Their full operation is ensured by means of regular monitoring of their identification and condition.
Within the telecommunications co-location centres, the distribution frames use SC-PC type connectors which permit patching and connectivity between different routes. They also allow for interconnections between operators and customers.
Overall, the sites belonging to the electricity grid are equipped with optical distribution frames and connectors of the FC-APC type. However, on some routes, the connectors are of the SC-APC type, which help minimise the reflections of the customers’ high-power transmission equipment.