Our network

More than 25 years ago, optical fibre communications became a benchmark for secure transmission of vast amounts of information. The companies that managed critical infrastructures, such as the electricity transmission grids and the railway networks, began to install their own optical fibre network in order to ensure the availability, security and speed of the transmission of their information at any time.

As the number of fibre strands that manufacturers were able to introduce in the different cables increased, so did the possibilities of using surplus fibres for other non-critical services and for developing telecommunication businesses. At Reintel, we became involved in the possibilities the surplus fibre offered and today, the optical fibre and the infrastructure that we market are efficiently used so the telco operators can successfully expand, develop, complement and improve their own networks.


Two networks, one single vision

Although in Reintel we manage two networks with a different history and with unique technical features, our vision is managing these as a single network in which more networks are integrated and interconnected every day. It is this vision that allows us to offer a maximum coverage global solution.

The network supported by the electricity grid environment uses the high voltage lines and the substations belonging to Red Eléctrica. This network generally runs through very straight and direct routes, meshing the entire national territory and growing constantly alongside the progress and development of the country. We locate it outside the big cities and among its main features we should highlight its robustness and its reliability, besides its backbone network use and its low capillarity.


The railway environment network reaches the populated areas running through the railway route. For this reason, it is characterised by being very stable. Although it has little backbone growth, the railway network allows a high capillarity and eases customised segregation works to meet our customers' needs.

At Reintel we combine the unique features of both networks through their interconnection. Our goal is presenting the two networks as if they were a single one. Through this vision, we bring the best of both environments and we achieve a wider network with nationwide coverage besides redundant and secure routes that are efficient and easy to operate.

We also provide high-quality optical fibre, sites that allow our customers to build their network and first-rate maintenance and monitoring operational support service. We can manage incidents and we can schedule works with the professional skills that a network of this size requires every day.

Choosing our services is the best investment to achieve your targets and your goals.

A network of more than 52,200 km throughout Spain

If you are a customer of Reintel, sort out your incidents by calling +34 916 599 914 or write to us at clientes@reintel.es


Redeia Infraestructuras de Telecomunicación (Reintel) is the subsidiary of the Redeia that, as of 1 July 2015, has been responsible for the management of the Company’s telecommunication business, an activity that previously, from 2008, had been carried out by Red Eléctrica Internacional. Reintel focuses on the commercial exploitation of dark fibre infrastructure and technical facilities connected to such infrastructure relying on an optical fibre network of more than 52,000 km. Therefore, we have the full support of a solid and solvent business group with a vast experience in the telco market since 1997.

At Reintel we manage two networks, each one with its own history and unique technical features: the unused, surplus fibre network of Red Eléctrica and, since November 20, 2014, the surplus marketable fibre network of ADIF.

These are two networks that are deployed through different infrastructures, each with different requirements and constraints, but which are being interconnected by Reintel at many points in order to offer services to our customers as if we were dealing with a single network by using the best of both. At Reintel we are working to provide our customers with a single network framework in which other networks integrate and interconnect every day.

At Reintel we are aware of how important for our customers is to have detailed information about our infrastructure and, therefore, in the Infrastructure section on this web we present both the technical features of the sites and the details of the network map displayed by province.

We invite you to discover, in the Infrastructure section on the web, detailed information about our dark fibre network (currently more than 52,000 km) and the 1,344 sites (810 on the electricity grid and 534 on the railway network) that we make available to you.

Yes. Reintel, in addition to offering its optical dark fibre network, also offers two types of sites (on the electricity grid and on the railway network) to provide customised solutions based on the technical requirements, location and type of optical fibre that interconnects them. Contact us and we will analyse your specific needs in order to offer you the best solution.